The Documentation Center of the PIDEE Foundation manages bibliographic, historiographic, and infographic information related to damaged, vulnerable or at-risk childhood. This information is processed and stored in database and the documents are available in printed or digital form for researchers, students and general public interested in human rights and children’s rights.

The PIDEE Foundation heritage archives have been recognized as Memory of World by UNESCO.


  • Interlibrary loans.
  • In-room consultation.
  • Bibliographic research.
  • Telephone or e-mail reference service.

Opening hours Documentation Center:  from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. hours.


November 2023

See PDF publication: Compromiso-con-la-ninez-en-tiempos-de-represion.pdf

FUNDACIÓN PIDEE: Commitment to Children in Times of Repression

This book arises to recognize the many people who worked at Fundación PIDEE since its inception and the work they have done during the peak years of the civil and military dictatorship in Chile.

Authors: Katherine Verdugo M. and Nadiezhda Oliva P.

(MANUAL FOR EDUCATORS/TEACHERS: Children’s Rights. Education with rights approach of the children and adolescents. PIDEE Foundation and Ministry of Social Development)

January 2020

See PDF publication:

I WAS RUNNING AWAY TO THE CEMETERY Testimonies of daughters and sons of people who were Politically Executed during the early years of the Civil-Military Dictatorship) (1973 -1976)

Authors: Mauricio Weibel and Nadiezhda Oliva

December 2019

See PDF publication:

See synopsis:

LAST WITNESSES: Voices of Daughters and Sons of people who survived political imprisonment.

Authors : Mauricio Weibel y Nadiezhda Oliva

November 2019

See pdf publication:

See synopsis:

  • Pasquín: let’s live interculturality

Publications that show the workshops held in Recoleta since 2005.


See PDF publication:

Reconstructing our history.

“This workshop was developed between April and June 2017 with Chilean and migrant students who belong to the third year of the secondary school of the Liceo Valentin Letelier (Valentin Letelier School) in the commune of Recoleta.

See PDF book:

Active educational communities: For cultural diversity and respect of the human rights”

The publications od this CD is a sample of the six socio-educational workshops developed in the classrooms of the educational establishments in the commune of Recoleta.

To listen the CD:

10 rights, 3 languages.

PIDEE Foundation, with the support of the Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Ministry of Social Development), has given workshops on human rights education and cultural diversity based on inclusion and integration practices.

We present in these pages ten rights in three languages, Spanish, Mapudungun and Creole.

See PDF book:

PIDEE Foundation – Museum of Memory and Human Rights

FORTER HOME: An oasis in times of repression.

The Book CASA HOGAR: Un oasis en tiempos de represión (FORTER HOME: An oasis in times of repression) is based on 18 testimonies that have been key to historicize and reflect on the experience of PIDEE Foundation in the protection of children who were victims at some point and in some war during the civil-military dictatorship (1973 – 1990) The “Casa Hogar” (Foster Home) program was developes between 1985 and 1990 in Santiago, Chile.

Authors: Ana López Dietz, María Rosa Verdejo Rodríguez, Gloria Maureira Lagos

See PDF book: CASA HOGAR: Un oasis en tiempos de represión

See synopsis:

Santiago, August 2017


Wirin mu tukulpaneken ta ñi ad küpan /this is how I draw my memory
Fundación PIDEE

PIDEE Foundation

Those who browse these pages will find drawings and stories of children and youth belonging to three territories of the commune of Tirúa, Biobío Region. These strokes, colors and verbalizations were recorded by the PIDEE-Tirúa Team in Workshop Sessions convened in educational spaces, and with the vision of knowing how and where cultural transmissions is installed.

The book was edited by María Rosa Verdejo and the design by Verónica Zurita.

Digital book: Así dibujo mi memoria

caratula huella

My footprint is my history 2016

PIDEE Foundation

Literary Workshop “My story is my footprint Literary Workshop 2016: Stories of young migrants”

Digital Book: Mi historia es mi huella  2016: “Historias de Jóvenes Migrantes

portada libro

My footprint is my history 2012

PIDEE Foundation

Literary Workshop “Publish your story”

Digital book: Mi-historia-es-mi-huella.pdf


PIDEE Foundation -Museum of Memory and Human Rights

The Art of Storytelling in the Construction of Memory: Children and Youth in Exile

Authors: María Rosa Verdejo, Maite Dalla Porta y Gloria Maureira.

See PDF Book: Libro Exilio y Retorno.pdf

See Sypnosis:

Santiago, 2015

PIDEE Foundation – Museum of Memory and Human Rights oral archive: sons of disappeared detainees.

Authors: María Rosa Verdejo, Maite Dalla Porta y Gloria Maureira.

See PDF book: Memoria y archivo oral.pdf

See Sypnosis:

Santiago, 2014.

Human Rights Thesaurus

This thesaurus is the result of the joint work of a network that unite several of the most important human rights organizations in Chile to create this fundamental tool for the management of information related to issues of human right violation.

See PDF book:

Captura de pantalla 2014-11-06 16.27.11

That’s I show a draw.

Loreto Álamos Varas

The mental health team of the PIDEE Foundation provided therapeutic care to children and youth directly or indirectly affected by the political repression exercised by the military regime in Chile. Drawing was part of the therapy.

Descargar en PDF

Infancia y Represión

Childhood and represión: stories not to be forgotten.

DUARTE, Gloria; ESCORZA, Eugenio; ESPINOZA, Chetty; GEORGE, Myriam; MAUREIRA, Gloria; PEREZ, Juan Manuel; TRAVERSO, Aminta

Clinical experience with children and families who have lived through political repression in Chile and were treated by the mental health team of the PIDEE Foundation.


Casa hogar-1

Foster Home: family in emergency.

ORTIZ, María Estela; ESPINOZA, Chetty

Analysis of the experience accumulated by the Foster Home Program of the PIDEE Foundation. This program sheltered children’s victims of political repression in Chile between 1985-1989.

Casa hogar.pdf


Al país que llegue

The country I left to the country I arrived in.


Drawings and reflections of minors returning from exile, 1990, 67p




The following PIDEE Foundation publications are available in PDF format for free access. If you cannot access them, please request them from the Documentation Center of the Institution:

  • Repercusiones psicológicas en niños víctimas de la represión política , 1986, 42p

Author: Loreto Álamos Varas

Author: Loreto Álamos Varas

  • Antecedentes sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento en menores afectados por la represión política, 1987, 9 p

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

Authors: Noemí Baeza Henríquez; Antonia Tapia

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

  • Miguel, Evelyn, Carlos, Ana María y Antonia: cinco esperanzas para creer en la vida, 1991, 15p

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

Author: Noemí Baeza Henríquez

  • Informe del registro de 7 sesiones del taller: el castellano segundo idioma en los niños y jóvenes retornados, ago.1991, 22p

Authors: Norma Bahamondes; Carmen López; Fernando Morris; Sonia Petit

  • Aspectos funcionales del lenguaje en niños retornados, dic. 1991, 22p

Author: Gloria Duarte

Author: Gloria Duarte

  • Daño-reparación: una aproximación conceptual, 1989, 13p

Authors: Chetty Espinoza; María Inés Villar; Teresa López

  • Trabajo social comunitario: población escritores de Chile 1990, sep. 1991, 76p

Authors: Chetty Espinoza; María Inés Villar 

  • Escuela por la paz: proyecto piloto, 1993, 30p

Author: Myriam George

  • Cuando yo sea grande , 1986, 24p

Authors: Myriam George; Gloria Vio Grossi

Author: Ximena González Ortloff

Taller de jóvenes retornados: la necesidad tiene cara de hereje., 1995, 8p.

Authors: Gloria Maureira; María Teresa del Río

Author: Gloria Maureira

  • Represión política y maltrato infantil, 1990, 15p

Author: Fernando Morris

Authors: Maribel Navarro; María Teresa del Río

  • Violencia desde el contexto social y repercusiones en los derechos de los niños y sus familias, 1995, 9p

Authors: María Estela Ortiz; Gloria Vio Grossi; Ingrid Alarcón

  • Reparación desde la comuna a las víctimas y sus familias del terrorismo de estado, ago. 1991, 101p

Author: Juan Manuel Pérez

  • Proceso de reorganización vital en familiares de detenidos desaparecidos , 1987, 30p

Author: Juan Manuel Pérez

Author: Juan Manuel Pérez

  • Dinámica familiar y represión política , 1986, 52p

Autor: Juan Manuel Pérez; Aminta Traverso

  • … Y la doctrina se equivocó: seguridad nacional y desaparición forzosa en Chile: testimonio de familiares de detenidos desaparecidos., 1985, 43p

Author: María Eugenia Rojas

Author: María Eugenia Rojas

  • Aproximaciones a la realidad del maltrato infantil en Chile., 1995, 10p

Authors: Ida Toledo; Lina Zúñiga

  • Defensa de los derechos del niño: antecedentes históricos desde la perpectiva de Chile, mayo, 1991, 43p

Author: Gloria Vio Grossi

Author: Gloria Vio Grossi

Author: Gloria Vio Grossi

  • Familias víctimas de la represión política: caracterización socioeconómica y efectos observados, mar.1992, 23p

Authors: Gloria Vio Grossi; María Inés Villar