Network of Memory and Human Rights Archives


The Red de Archivos de Memoria y Derechos Humanos (Network of Memory and Human Rights Archives) is a collaborative body that brings together a number of organizations and institutions committed to the importance and value of this type of collection in order to materialize the yearnings and commitments to truth, justice, reparation and memory in the face of the acts of State that have plagued our country since the 1973 and the subsequent dictatorship. We work together to advance towards a culture defense, promotion and unrestricted respect for human rights in Chile today.


Network members recognize archives as one of the central instruments for developing memory policies, as its documents contain relevant information to elaborate narratives with educational potential emphasizing the right to truth and the duty to remember in order to avoid these events in the future and in the present. In this sense, a vision of the archive is perceiving and promoted as a space not only for patrimonial or research purposes, but also for teaching and pedagogical purposes. The archives are also repositories of legal evidence that are key to the opening and/or advance of legal proceedings to find justice and reparations for the victims and their families.


For this purpose, the RAMDH advocates the urgent need to identify, rescue, organize, describe and guarantee the right to free access to information held by the organs of the State administration in order to fulfill the legal, research, artistic promotion, heritage, memory and pedagogical roles, among others, of the Archives in Chile.

At present, the Network is made up of the following institutions:

  • Archivo Federación de Estudiantes de la Universidad de Chile (AFECH)
  • Archivo de Documentación Gráfica y Audiovisual de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (ArchivoDGA)
  • Comisión Chilena de Derechos Humanos (CCHDH)
  • Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi
  • Fundación de Ayuda Social de las Iglesias Cristianas (FASIC)
  • Fundación de Protección a la Infancia Dañada por los Estados de Emergencia (PIDEE)
  • Fundación Salvador Allende (FSA)
  • Fundación de Documentación y Archivo de la Vicaría de la Solidaridad (FUNVISOL)
  • Londres 38 Espacio de Memorias
  • Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos (MMDH)

It brings together various institutions that have been established in different historical periods. As a whole, the stand out for their active role in the defense and promotion of human rights, as well as for the rescue and dissemination of historical memory and democratic values.