National Network of Childhood and Youth NGOs of Chile, ROIJ
The Red Nacional de ONGs de Infancia y Juventud de Chile (National Network of Childhood and Youth NGOs of Chile), ROIJ was established in 2001 with the objective of generating a joint work within the specificity that we share, generating ties of support, transfer of experiences and knowledges, in pursuit of, in a near future that we yearn for, to become a voice, a responsible and authorized reference, from civil society, in matters of childhood and youth.
During these years we have succeeded in having a decentralized way of working, where respect for regional autonomies is basis of the relationship, also allowing to each institution to make contributions from its own specificity; to preparate theorical and practical material that inputs to serve as a basis for new Network proposal; and legitimacy as an interlocutor before state authorities, the Council of Ministers for Children and other civil society organizations.
The Network is currently present in the regions of Atacama, Biobío, Valparaíso and Metropolitan (III, VIII, V and XIII) with 45 member institutions.
Although this progress is significant, the Network has a long way to go to be able to have a relevant impact, as a civil society, in the generation of public policies in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The State of Chile has not adapted its legislation to the principles of the CRC nor has it made all the structural modifications it requires. The Network needs to be strengthened in order to achieve relevant pressure to carry out these transformations.
That is why we have proposed to look at our actions from a medium-term perspective in order to have an orienting and consensual guide to enable us effectively become a responsible and authoritative voice and reference, from civil society, in terms of children and youth issues.
The Red Nacional de ONGs de Infancia y Juventud de Chile (National Network of Childhood and Youth NGOs of Chile), as a social and political actor, recognized by the children and youth; assumes a critical and proactive role in society promoting the defense and respect for children’s and youth’s rights in order to build a culture of rights.
To give continuity to the process of changing the law of guarantees and associated projects, in the different instances and through the actions considered pertinent.
Disseminate recommendations at appropriate levels. Prepare Alternative Report preparation process.
To give continuity to processes and different initiatives that have been develop to date (platform, NNA network, process of each organization, etc.) with the idea of organizing and consolidating this axis.
Generate a communications plan for the regional roundtable and its articulation with the national level, which considers internal and external needs (workshops, statements, web page, etc.)
Internal functioning:
Established sustainability proposals for the regional roundtable and ROIJ, considering issues such as funding, configuration of partnership, etc.